3 ways to communicate how your ethics benefit clients

You know that ethical standards set a guideline for how you run your practice, but have you thought about how they can emphasize your value to clients?

In honor of National Ethics Awareness Month, the MDRT Ethics Committee recommends these points to explain how the organization’s Code of Ethics doesn’t just establish principles and behaviors, but can set members apart in the eyes of clients.

  1. We put our clients first

We always put you, our client, before us. Your interests always come first in our mind, behavior and recommendations. This is just the right thing to do.

  1. We know our products and profession

The world never stops changing, so we adhere to strict training and professional development to ensure we are on top of legal, financial and regulatory issues and products that may affect you, our client.

  1. If it is private, we will keep it that way

To serve you well, we need to know a lot about you. But we always keep private things private and confidential things confidential.

Look for three more examples in the article “Are you selling your ethics?” in the March/April issue of Round the Table.

For more on accountability:

Written by Matt Pais, MDRT Content Specialist

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