You’re missing connecting with prospective — and even existing — clients if your marketing messages are only about how you do something better, faster or cheaper. Instead, communicate like some of the most successful leaders and companies. Talk about your why. Why do you care? Why are you truly in business? Why are you passionate about what you do?
Show clients you care
When clients understand why you’re in business, it fosters connection and trust. “It’s important for you to have the client feel that they like you, feel that you care about them,” said 18-year MDRT member Alain Quennec, CFP, CIM, of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. “That’s ultimately what clients want. One of the things that I always close my meeting with, and I have it on an agenda so it reminds me to say it at every meeting, is, ‘Is there anything that I can worry about for you? Anything I can take off of your plate?’”
Marketing is about building client relationships
Marketing, which is different from advertising, explains why you’re in business and helps develop relationships with both potential and existing customers. It’s part of the foundation of a building a successful business.
Marketing, or maximizing relationships, addresses five main objectives, said Lorrie Thomas Ross, CEO of Web Marketing Therapy Inc., in her 2013 MDRT Annual Meeting presentation. These are
- Awareness
- Communication
- Connection
- Service
- Sales
Effective marketing builds relationships and connects clients to your story and why you care about doing the best you can for them.
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