Try one of these ideas about how to network like a pro, get referrals and close the deal on life insurance.
Center of attention
When you’re part of a circle of people, take a step back and use your peripheral vision to notice who’s passing by to include them in the conversation. This will make you the focal point of the group and make a lasting impression on others. Instead of being that person who’s awkward or just there, you become the person who’s bringing people together
— Jeremy Mark Wellington, Dip PFS, Dip CII, Truro, England, 7-year MDRT member
Protecting family
I make it very clear to my prospect that the insurance programs I am presenting are not to make him rich, but instead, during his absence, to ensure his family is not poor.
— Mohamad Manmohan Abdullah, ChFC, CLU, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 23-year MDRT member
Obtaining referrals
Instead of asking clients “to help your business,” frame your request like this: “I am sure you care about your family and friends. Who among your family and closest friends do you think would need this kind of financial protection? Would you mind if I talk to them about it too?”
— Ysabel Victoria Obediencia Benitez, Makati, Philippines, 5-year MDRT member
These ideas are from the 2019 January/February issue of Round the Table.
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