Enhance the personal connection with your clients through your newsletter

By Matthew T. Hoesly, CFP, ChFC, presented at the 2017 Annual Meeting

I can’t stand the saying, “Don’t take it personally; it’s just business.” Everything we do for our clients is personal. We’re helping them plan and protect their dreams and goals for their family. That’s as personal as you can get.

Matthew T. Hoesly, CFP, ChFC

A few years ago, we decided to devote almost our entire newsletter to what’s going on in our personal lives. Many newsletters consist of product information, stock market or economic updates, or just investment tips. And that’s so boring.

Sharing pictures in our newsletter, and in our office, of what’s going on in our lives, made a huge difference in our relationships with our clients. Now the first thing a client asks when they walk in the room is how my daughter’s birthday was or when our assistant is going to run her next marathon.

This can lead to other planning opportunities. For example, in one of our newsletters, the very first item was our assistant celebrating her father’s 96th birthday. Talk about a great example for longevity planning! So once you find a common interest with a client, use those to strengthen your relationship.

Hoesly is a nine-year member from Norfolk, Virginia.

Posted by Matt Pais, MDRT Content Specialist

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