You may be a genius financial advisor, but without clients, you won’t be a successful financial advisor. A dynamic marketing strategy is critical to attracting the clients you can best serve.
In the following three MDRT videos, you’ll find a variety of ideas to keep your prospecting pipeline flowing and your schedule full:
Gain clients through media exposure
The media can amplify your efforts of letting prospects know about what you can do for them. Being interviewed as a financial expert or having a regular program about financial planning can provide valuable credibility with prospects. Fourteen-year MDRT member David Braithwaite, Dip PFS, a Top of the Table member from Kent, England, UK, talks about how working with the media has been worth its weight in gold for his business. He discusses how you, too, can be a success with the media.
A valuable source of referrals
Centers of influence, such as accountants and attorneys, can provide beneficial referrals to prospects who often trust you faster, have bigger cases and are ready to do business with you. To keep those referrals coming, though, you must understand how to treat those centers of influence. Fifteen-year MDRT member Paresh B. Shah, CFP, a Top of the Table member from Hicksville, New York, USA, discusses the four things that centers of influence expect from you if they are to keep referring the clients they care about to you.
Strategically marketing your practice
A turning point in the career of 2016 MDRT President Brian D. Heckert, CLU, ChFC, was when he decided to specialize in retirement planning. It allowed him to focus his efforts and offerings to clients as well as his marketing strategy. In this video, the 34-year MDRT member and Top of the Table member from Nashville, Illinois, USA, shares the ideas he used to get noticed by prospects in his chosen niche.
You’ll find more ideas to change how you find clients on MDRT’s YouTube channel.
I love the idea “Educate yourself on a product and its benefits first” then offer to your client or group of people if your marketing strategy and their needs matches somewhere that really works – Shahzad Kaiser
Really motivating speeches.