Succeeding as a financial advisor doesn’t happen for everyone. Many who start down that career path leave it within a few years. Yet, some stay and build a career that’s successful and fulfilling. In these YouTube videos, MDRT members share how they’ve found decades of success.
Massive goals build success
When looking to build goals, MDRT Past President and 45-year MDRT member Tony Gordon, of Bristol, England, U.K, and 24-year MDRT member Alessandro M. Forte, FCII, FPFS, of London, England, U.K., both longtime Top of the Table members, discuss what causes failure and why goals should be SMART — Stunning, Massive, Awesome, Ridiculous and Today. If you’re interested in what makes people successful and how to set goals as they do, watch this video from an MDRT Annual Meeting to hear how ordinary advisors can transform their lives.
Become more referrable: Create a standout office
A welcoming office environment and being easy to work with help keep client referrals and retention levels high for 22-year MDRT member and Top of the Table member Troy A. Collins, ADFP, of Toowong, Queensland, Australia. Take a peek inside his stunning office!
New beginnings: Creating the life and business you want
Do you continue to run a business that’s making you unhappy, or do you close or sell your office and reinvent your business? Karl Hartey, 27-year MDRT member and Top of the Table qualifier from Oswestry, England, UK, and Harpreet Singh Atwal, Dip FA, BSc (Hons), a 10-year MDRT member and Court of the Table member from Solihull, England, UK, put their happiness first, restarted their financial services practice and found they created a better business and were happier because of it. They put clients first, were authentic and business thrived.
If you’re striving to qualify for MDRT or manage a team of financial advisors, learn more about MDRT and its family of brands.
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