Prospects won’t buy when they believe a financial advisor is selling. If, however, a financial advisor can guide prospects toward creating a financial plan that accomplishes their goals, they will most likely convert them to clients. It’s often through building trust and getting to know prospects and their needs through questions that this process begins, and clients seek to put in place their advisors’ recommendations.
In these five popular YouTube videos from the past few months, MDRT members from around the world discussed how they’ve successfully communicated with clients. These ideas are simple enough that anyone can use them.
5. “Build client awareness about the power of insurance with great relationship-building questions.”
When clients think about the future, they’re more likely to implement financial planning.
Discover some of the client questions 18-year MDRT member Subhas V. Nathan, of Singapore, asks clients, such as “What needs to happen in your life in the next three years so you’re happy with your progress?” With the questions shared in this video, you’ll learn about clients’ biggest fears and strengths, what they’re excited about in life and their view of money. Their answers will move them to take action and allow you as a financial advisor to assist them in creating the future they want.
4. “Attract clients through social media.”
‘Done well, social media attracts clients. Find out how five-year MDRT member Vanessa Carolina Narvaez, of New York City, New York, USA, builds trust with prospects and clients by posting on social media about who and what matters to her.
3. “Questions that turn prospects into clients.”
Why is the question “Do you have any questions you’d like to ask me?” important when starting a client meeting? It can be surprising what clients ask, and it helps financial advisors understand what issues are on a client’s mind. If you address clients’ top problems, they can better understand and listen to everything else you have to say, said Matthew Charles Collins, an 18-year MDRT member from Mona Vale, New South Wales, Australia.
Collins shares the questions he asks and how he successfully approaches client communication in this 2017 MDRT Annual Meeting video.
2. “Questions that matter to prospects and will convert them to clients.”
“I don’t get too many objections, but I do get prompts for further explanations,” said 10-year MDRT member Dominique Schuh, of Gympie, Queensland, Australia.
Discover why 90% of the people Schuh, a Top of the Table member, meets with become her clients, even though she works with a wide variety of clients in rural Australia. She also shares how she turns potentially complex topics into something more familiar to clients.
1. “Favorite ideas for explaining insurance to clients.”
2015 MDRT President Caroline A. Banks, FPFS, cuts to the chase explaining how to effectively communicate with clients.
“Paying the premium is not the problem. Paying the premium is the solution,” said Banks, a Top of the Table member from London, England, UK, and a 33-year MDRT member. “Our clients need to know the time, not how the clock works. Don’t forget, it isn’t how good we are; it’s how good we are to work with. Are we telling the time or how the clock works?”
In this 2019 MDRT Annual Meeting presentation, Banks shares many more of her favorite ideas that she’s learned from MDRT meetings.
What an excellent line up of ideas. It is so simple and straight forward. Being a 28 Years Life and Qualifying member, this are great reminders of what brought you the 28 years membership.