Increase your prospects when you redefine your network

Usually, we define prospects as people we talk to face-to-face; however, people are often too busy to meet. If we redefine prospects by redefining our network, we can grow the number of prospects exponentially.

Connect on social media

Start by asking for your prospects’ social media information and connect with them there. Then, rather than meet the prospects initially, maintain a connection with them through social media. This way you “warm up” the temperature (trust or familiarity) by posting about your work life, achievements, ideas and so forth. Even though it is not a one-on-one conversation, it helps your prospects get to know you and build trust based on your posts.

Message prospects

When prospects like or respond to your posts, begin getting into more personal interactions through one-on-one messages with them. You might not be able to get too personal, but you can at least gather the basic financial planning information and get into sales mode.

Also, prospects might not have insurance needs when they see your posts, but when the need comes, you will be the first one to pop up in their minds. And since you’ve been interacting with them on social media, you’re not a stranger to them.

Manage multiple prospects effectively

Social media allows us many prospects, with no limit to time and distance. The downside is it takes time. While a phone call would be quicker when working with one prospect, online you can message with 10 to 20 prospects over a few days. To make that work effectively, though, use your time wisely, as you’ll have more information to manage. Make sure you have a good system for tracking and follow-ups.

Remember, if you redefine your network, you will expand the number of your prospects.

Ming-Fong Huang is 12-year MDRT member from Taipei, Tawain Area. She’s also a Top of the Table member. You can read more from her in “Segmenting success.”

For more ideas about how to find clients through social media:

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