Should you focus your marketing on clients, not what you do for them?

Which are you more likely to respond to: an ad that appeals to your head, or to your heart?

For Elizabeth Dipp Metzger, MSFS, CFP, a seven-year MDRT member from El Paso, Texas, the answer is clear. In all marketing and branding for her practice, materials no longer mention their services or picture their staff but instead emphasize images of clients, their kids and simple, emotion-driven language.

“For those we love. For their education.”

These concise, impactful terms are a big change from the previous approach depicting a piggy bank or the business’ team. “We keep trying to identify who we are as a business,” Metzger said. “And the more we think about that, we go back to our mission statement to make a positive difference in people’s lives. We’re reflecting that in our marketing by focusing on why people work with us.

“We’re about families, businesses and generations, helping our clients get from where they are now to where they see themselves in the future. It’s not about products; it’s about family legacy.”

Read more in “Build a brand that sets you apart.”

Written by Matt Pais, MDRT Content Specialist


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