‘When it’s about people buying things, I don’t say a word’

All advisors have their own sales strategies. For Jake S. Ng, ChFC, CLU, a four-year MDRT member from San Francisco, California, the operative word is … no words.

“I feel like I don’t do a lot. When it’s not important I talk a lot, but when it’s about people buying things I just don’t say a word,” he said. “I don’t even ask. People will buy because they want to. I’m very committed to the concept that people buy, and no one likes to be sold. I often ask this question, especially to young people that come into the business: ‘When was the last time you bought something because somebody was so good at selling it to you?’ It hasn’t happened yet.”

Hear more about communicating and establishing trust with clients in the February episode of the MDRT Podcast.

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Written by Matt Pais, MDRT Content Specialist

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