Simple steps for time management

“There are never enough hours in the day.” “Time is of the essence.” “Time is money.”

There are so many clichés about having limited time and the importance of maximizing our time, and yet many still struggle with prioritizing and focusing effectively. If you are one of these people, consider the following process to identify how you spend your time and improve your efficiency:

  • Record your typical work week, broken down into 15-minute increments.
  • Write down each activity, the time it happens and how long it takes. Also note your mood during the activity and the value of the task.
  • Log these activities for two to three weeks.
  • Eliminate or delegate jobs.
  • Minimize task-switching.
  • Analyze your time every three months.
  • Eliminate low-value activities, schedule tasks appropriately and reduce personal activities to boost your productivity.

See more in the MDRT video “Stop wasting time”

Written by Matt Pais, MDRT Content Specialist

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