MDRT members know that success is repeatable and shareable. It’s not about secrets or blind luck. A cornerstone of MDRT is to share what’s worked well and keep learning from others. Together, everyone grows. It’s a mindset of abundance, not scarcity.
These top MDRT videos for 2019 contain the wisdom of MDRT members as well as one coach. Take a few minutes to learn the ideas that helped them go further than they thought possible.
4. Top producers share similar traits that enable them to take their career to the next level, according to Top of the Table qualifier Howard E. Sharfman. He shares what those are in his video, “The traits of a top producer.”
3. Bill Bachrach coaches financial advisors about how to work less and make more in this video, “Acquire clients for free.”
2. People won’t buy what they don’t understand. MDRT member Wu Shuk Ping Joyce, of Hong Kong, shows her simple idea for explaining complex topics to prospective clients in the video, “Sales idea: A simple drawing for explaining complex topics.”
1. Early in the career of Brian D. Heckert, CLU, ChFC — before he reached Top of the Table and became the MDRT President — he asked an insurance industry legend advice about how to be more successful. Here’s what he was told: “Add a zero.”
Very informative and motivation to get success