Clients may sound depressed, especially during bad weather and a pandemic. Because of that, they may complain about politics, interest rates, increased utility bills or their health. Many of these complaints stem from the stress of getting older.
If your clients are retired or near retirement age, it’s highly likely they are considerably well-off. They have the time and money to enjoy themselves. Here are some positives about getting older to lift your clients out of the doldrums: (Note: Many of these examples are based on life in the United States, yet other counties have some if not all of the benefits.)
1. Collecting Social Security or other government pensions. Your clients worked their whole lives and paid into the system. Now it’s time to collect the benefits. According to, 100 countries have some kind of pension program.
2. Being covered by Medicare. Most people don’t want to get older. In the United States, you are covered by Medicare once you turn 65. If your clients have been buying private health insurance, they’ll see the value immediately. Even when considering supplemental insurance, Medicare is a great deal.
3. First-class health care. Medical care today is the best it’s ever been. Look at the progress that’s been made on survival rates from serious diseases. You hope you don’t need it, but it’s better than ever.
4. More time to travel. Few people on their deathbed say: “I wish I spent more time at the office.” When clients are retired, their time is their own! The travel industry caters to retired people, and depending on how organized you want it to be, travel does not have to be expensive. There are also opportunities for educational travel, such as Road Scholar.
5. Go back to school. You read about people earning law degrees at advanced ages. Education doesn’t always need to be aimed at a degree, though. Can clients audit courses? Does their town have a community college where anyone can learn about practical subjects of interest?
6. Vaccine eligibility. In the United States, nursing home residents were among the first to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Next were those 75 and older. Being older takes people to the head of the line.
7. Getting senior discounts. Clients don’t need to be that old to take advantage of this one! McDonald’s offers “senior coffee” to everyone age 55 and older. There are price breaks in movie theater tickets, wireless plans and more. The website provides other options.
8. Early-bird shopping hours. During the pandemic, many stores began opening earlier for seniors so they could avoid the large crowds. That’s a luxury. Did your older clients take advantage?
9. Free or discounted public transit. Some towns issue complimentary or discounted public transit cards to people of certain ages. Perhaps your clients can check for availability in their area.
10. Seniors vote. In the United States, voter turnout is typically higher the older the age segment measured. According to U.S. News & World Report, in 2018 voter turnout for ages 18-24 was 30% and age 65 and older was 64%. Politicians consider seniors a valuable constituency.
11. Life experiences. Your clients have made a lot of good memories over the years. Many of them could probably say they’ve done it all. Remind them that they have enough positive experiences to last a lifetime.
Remind your client of some of these reasons why getting older has its advantages.
Bryce Sanders is president of Perceptive Business Solutions Inc. His book, Captivating the Wealthy Investor, can be found on Amazon.
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