7 things I wish I could tell my younger self

1) Surround yourself with good, ethical professionals. Avoid those who don’t share your values.

2) When faced with a difficult decision: Pause, reflect, seek wise counsel, and imagine both the short- and long-term consequences.

3) Always put the client first, and remember that all parties should benefit from any transaction for it to be a good one.

4) Your compensation may seem low at first, but in time will catch up and be worthy of your patience and dedication to excellence.

5) Do the right thing and rewards will follow; maintaining highly ethical conduct will eventually bring you great success.

6) Stay in the light; avoid operating in the shadows or gray areas.

7) What you do as a professional has a huge impact on not only your clients and their families, but on society as a whole. Remember this and conduct your business in a manner that will ensure you can continue doing it for a long time. We need you!

This was excerpted from the Round the Table article “Modeling ethics for your team.” You also can read the MDRT Code of Ethics.

Bryon A. Holz, CLU, ChFC, is a 22-year MDRT member from Brandon, Florida.


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