This is why clients should understand your process

Seasoned advisors may assume that clients automatically give them the benefit of the doubt in terms of how they conduct themselves. From the client’s perspective, though, it never hurts for advisors to show how precise and professional they can be.

That’s why Jedediah Harrison Levene, CLU, CFP, an eight-year MDRT member from Orillia, Ontario, Canada, strives to ensure his clients have a clear understanding of his process.

“It takes a lot of the unknown out of the way in terms of client engagement,” he said. “They know what to expect, and when they come into the office, what they expected to happen is exactly what happens.”

Establishing the procedure

The result is that clients know advisors are not just improvising but in fact following a defined procedure. This also helps staff, Levene said, because they know which step of the process clients are in at all times.

“If they’re coming in for a meeting, they know it’s step two, and they know what I usually like prepared for step two,” he said. “Sometimes I’ll throw them a curveball because of different situations, but having that clear track to run on helps both from the front stage and the backstage communication.”

Hear more in the January episode of the MDRT Podcast:

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Written by Matt Pais, MDRT Content Specialist


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