What to do and not to do to create a waitlist practice

By Tracey Karen Diana Devonport

Just imagine having a practice so in demand that you’re never actively prospecting and new clients go on a waitlist to see you (and they’re prepared to wait).

Here are three things you should do, and three things you should not do, to create that kind of business:

To do

  1.       Always encourage clients to visit you in your office.
  2.       Make sure you’re well prepared for each client’s visit.
  3.       Take none of the credit and all of the blame.

Not to do

  1.       Don’t make clients wait for you (your time is not more valuable than theirs).
  2.       Don’t rush their appointment; they’re entitled to your time and caring.
  3.       Never criticize your staff to clients — your disloyalty will result in the same from them.

Devonport is a 23-year MDRT member from Houghton, South Africa. See more in “Create your own waitlist practice.”

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