Reaching your goals, understanding your purpose as a financial advisor and amping up referral rates are covered in the most-viewed videos of 2023 on MDRT’s YouTube channel.
These ideas came from MDRT Annual Meetings that spanned decades — from 1986 to 2022 — and from MDRT members worldwide. But no matter the decade, what remains the same is the spirit of generosity in which top financial advisors share some of their best ideas with their peers. No one becomes successful alone. It was through both the sharing of ideas and the willingness to be open to those ideas that sparked success. It’s the formula that stands the test of time. Take a look at a few of these videos:
Qualify for MDRT 50% faster with referrals
Ten-year MDRT member Naomi Chua Yi-shyan, ChFC, of Singapore, shares her method of getting referrals, which allows her to qualify for MDRT quicker and with less effort.
How to qualify for Top of the Table
Did you ever wonder how Top of the Table members manage to consistently stay successful? Simon D. Lister, Dip PFS, a 16-year MDRT member from Norfolk, England, UK, first qualified for Top of the Table when he was 27, and he kept qualifying. In this 2016 MDRT Annual Meeting presentation, Lister shares how the keys to his success are focusing on discipline, goals, accountability and mentorship.
The importance of insurance and knowing your purpose
Your mindset can alleviate production problems and benefit your clients’ lives, including when one of your clients is also your mother. MDRT member Selena Tonielle Chin-Coffie, a 12-year MDRT member from Kingston, Jamaica, shares in this 2022 MDRT Annual Meeting video her personal story and the importance of knowing who you are and your purpose.
Timeless ideas that work — an MDRT classic
Find out how to ask for referrals without mentioning referrals, prospecting up, the deal before the deal and talking to prospects about reviewing their life insurance with you and more in this classic 1986 MDRT Annual Meeting presentation from 55-year MDRT member Bruce W. Etherington, CLU, CH.F.C., a Top of the Table member from Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.
Earning referrals by successfully working with professional introducers
End cold calls with these ideas from 27-year MDRT member Bhupinder S. Anand, ACII, Dip PFS, of London, England, UK, who qualifies for Top of the Table in the first half of the year by getting introductions from other professionals, such as accountants. In this 2015 MDRT Annual Meeting presentation, find out how he takes into consideration the fears and concerns of working with these professionals so they keep the quality introductions flowing.
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