Look to the future
If a client offers an objection, sometimes it helps to paint a picture of the future, said William T. Spencer III, CFP, AIF, a 17-year MDRT member from Sudbury, Massachusetts.
If a client offers an objection, sometimes it helps to paint a picture of the future, said William T. Spencer III, CFP, AIF, a 17-year MDRT member from Sudbury, Massachusetts.
Let’s say 100 people call you at the same time. How many of them can you speak to at once? Obviously, only one. That’s why Donald P. Speakman, MSFS, a past...
If your clients have enough money for retirement but worry about how to generate their income, Adrian George, CFP, TEP, breaks down their savings into five areas: Minimum guaranteed income ...
A good client of mine wanted me to start working with his son, who was getting ready to graduate from medical school and had basically graduated debt-free because of his...
Through their imagination, clients can create a mental picture of their future vivid enough to prompt sound financial decisions today. Astute financial advisors guide this important mental journey. Creating a view...
Even the most successful advisors appreciate the value of a good sales idea. These are a few favorites from MDRT members: Spread the knowledge “Create a presentation on the recent updates in...
There are myriad ways to prepare clients for a fulfilling retirement. Clients accumulate assets for many years in the hope of retiring and living comfortably, but that’s only part of...
In a situation where a client’s family member allegedly takes advantage of them, advisors might not necessarily be able to take action. Gregory B. Gagne, ChFC When a client’s son allegedly took...
A client was referred to me for help with getting her cancer claim fulfilled. Her agent was no longer servicing her, and the claim was stuck for more than six...
Whether prospects say it or not, there are virtues they’re looking for in financial advisors to be able to trust them and then build a long-lasting relationship. Here are seven...
A few years ago, Thomas W. Young, CLU, ChFC, saw a movie that reminded him of a situation he experiences as a financial advisor. In the movie, vampires took over a...
Toward the beginning of his 2015 MDRT Annual Meeting ConneXion Zone presentation, Seth Groff of Assurity Life cited Voltaire’s quote about judging people by their questions, not their answers. If clients...
Many advisors come to me after trying everything they can to get their stagnant business growing again. Often, they’ve already spent a lot of money on advertising, local sponsorships, expensive...
When looking to build relationships with new clients, most advisers make a fundamental mistake: They inadvertently put their prospect in control of the process by adopting an approach that suggests...
There are always plenty of variables when it comes to insurance, and disability policies are no exception. Ratings, in particular, can add complexity. Without experience, explaining the complicated nature of...